Have you ever thought about the the fact that when you are procrastinating you feel a ton of feelings? I probably couldn't count all the feelings I experience when I am procrastinating. Surprisingly they are positive and negative feelings. And the feelings are often times for and against doing the task. It's like having two doors that lead to different solutions. It is all about the decision that the doors lead to and our feelings lead to the choice between the two.
When I woke up this morning, I had a laundry list of things to do. I also wanted to do a blog post to release today. But I didn't think I could do it all so I thought procrastinating on all the other things was a must to complete my blog post. You know that is pretty silly if you think about it rationally. I would have been so behind tomorrow and felt tons of guilt all of today and then even more intense feelings of overwhelm tomorrow. It would have felt like a water buffalo stepping on my abdomen. I can just imagine how sharp their hooves would feel not only the weight crushing into me.
But as always I digress.
I want you to start looking at the big feelings when you want to start a project or just get started with the day. Are you afraid that you are going to fail at your project? Do you know you will feel much better if you just started the project or even just started moving through the to-do list you have on this single day? Do you know your feeling of anxiety about failing will change to a feeling of accomplishment if you do one small task related to the project you fear you will fail?
Have you ever just done the project or started the day no matter what negative feelings you might be experiencing? What happened? Did you feel awesome when it was done? Did you feel proud of yourself and feel like you kicked some major behind? How would you feel if you just completed one milestone of the project?
I know if I were to accomplish just one milestone for the project or the day, I would feel like I could breathe. I know that my chest feels tight when I am procrastinating. Sometimes, I feel relief when I do something other than my project because it might be easier or more enjoyable.
But what did you experience on the day when you didn't work on what you needed to? It might be anger at yourself, frustration, sadness, or overwhelm.
Now what would you feel if you got a part of the task? Like to you spent just a little part of the day and finished something small. I can imagine happiness, relief, accomplishment, and quiet.
Wouldn't getting these positive feelings be something anyone would like to have? What if you accomplished 25% of a big project or at least accomplished as much as you could on your daily plan? You did something that you didn't even want to do a part of. Can you see how these would be the polar opposite of not trying to do any part of it?
I think that just a little effort can create a lot of a great deal of positive emotions.
I am going to list some possible positive emotions that you could just from trying to do a small amount of work
Which feeling would make your day? Is there a feeling that isn't on the list that you would like to put in the comments section so other people can see it?
I wouldn't want to pass up these positive feelings, but sometimes I feel like I have to procrastinate. Yes, all of us do it.
I am totally convinced that procrastination happens because we are experiencing a negative emotion. We just can't overcome those feelings. But what if you thought of it as an opportunity to feel one of those positive emotions listed? I know that you don't want to feel the negative emotions that I purposely didn't make a list of. No one wants to feel icky after reading a list of negative feelings.
I also know why we tend to rearrange our closets and stuff when we are procrastinating on things. When we accomplish those things, we feel a sense of accomplishment. You are trying to accomplish one easy task to get the positive feelings you could be getting from working on the task that yes is scary. But we know that we are deer and we can do anything. Nothing can stop us. Don't forget we have antlers and fast speed. Those help us do anything.
So, what are you going to do next time when you want to give up and procrastinate? You could remember the different types of feelings that you might experience when you procrastinate. And I haven't even mentioned the way your physical body feels. I hope you take a different road than procrastination, but of course you are the only one to make that decision.
I think you are ready to make that decision.
Now go. Be safe. Know that you are not alone.